PD97 Series Sliding Door Locks

PD97 sliding door locks can be integrated with any existing or extended access control, making them a great solution for healthcare, institutional, commercial, and retail spaces

Commercial-Grade Electrified Sliding Door Locking Solutions

  • Groundbreaking engineering allows low voltage power to transfer directly from the strike to the lock faceplate
  • Eliminates the need for drilling to facilitate a wire chase through the door, resulting in fast and easy installation
  • Built-in Door Position Sensor, Deadbolt Monitoring, and Request to Exit
PD97 staff room


Electrified Lock with Overhead Power Transfer

An electrified sliding door mortise lock designed specifically for openings in high tamper situations

PD97PT solid door flip v2


Electrified Lock with Built-in Power Transfer 

Low voltage power is supplied directly from the strike to the lock faceplate for ease of installation



Electrified Lock with Auto-Locking

Built-in DPS and DBM sensors enable auto-locking and auto-latching features. 

PD97ES 102 healthcare glamour


Electrified Lock with Electric Switches

Enhanced safety and security monitoring of open/closed positions and locked/unlocked status with Door Positioning Switch (DPS) and Deadbolt Monitoring Switch (DBM)